
At Hillewaere Insurance, we have specific and experienced expertise in-house. We are happy to share this knowledge with you in the form of interesting insights, relevant content files and newsworthy articles around important announcements or legislative changes.

Hillewaere Dock3 85 min

Ons Hillewaere feest: the aftermovie

25 Apr 2023

Dit was ons Hillewaere feest. Een schitterende avond tijdens welke we samen reflecteerden over waar we vandaag staan en hoe we ons toekomstbeeld zien. Om nadien uiteraard ook een fantastisch feestje te bouwen met ons Hillewaerdig topteam. De toekomst creëren door hem zelf uit te vinden, dat is #helemaalhillewaere.

Medewerkers slim extralegaal verlonen

6 slimme manieren om uw medewerkers extralegaal te verlonen

30 Mar 2023
Loonindexeringen hebben een grote impact op uw onderneming. Uiteraard gunt u uw medewerkers het beste, maar heeft u graag ook de controle over uw bedrijfskost. Klinkt tegenstrijdig? Dat hoeft niet het geval te zijn. Er bestaan namelijk interessante extralegale verloningsvormen. Zeker bij variabele verloning kan u beide doelen verwezenlijken: gaat het goed met uw onderneming, dan genieten uw medewerkers van een mooie extra. Een motiverend verhaal voor hen en interessant voor u als werkgever
Hillewaere Groep zet expansie in Vlaanderen verder

Hillewaere Group continues expansion in Flanders

18 Jan 2023
Press & publicity
We acquire with Hillewaere Group the 2 Antwerp insurance offices ICS Insurances from Schilde and DOM nv from Kontich. Thanks to these acquisitions, we increase our footprint in Flanders and Brussels, expand our expertise and bring the number of locations to 20. Hillewaere Group thus gains 25 employees and increases our turnover by EUR 3 million to EUR 27 million. The directors within the acquired offices will become partners in the Hillewaere Group, thus also contributing to our growth story.

5 tips to avoid fire damage to your property

04 Jan 2023
Private life
The number of serious house fires has noticeably increased in recent years. Why? Because we simply live differently than, say, 20 years ago. Our current homes are full of electronic devices that are constantly being charged. Moreover, we all too often forget to update our insurance policy. For instance, as many as one in five homes is underinsured.
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Cyber insurance, increasingly relevant with increasing number of cyber hacks

12 Dec 2022
Did you know that Belgian companies collectively pay around 100 million euros in ransom to cyber hackers every year? These organisations, large or small, fall prey to so-called hostage software that leaves them without access to their own computer network. Protect your business against cyber fraud and cover yourself with cyber insurance.
Hillewaere Rothschild

Rotschild & Co acquires majority stake in Hillewaere Group

03 Feb 2021
Press & publicity
Merchant bank Rothschild & Co is taking a majority stake in Hillewaere Group. The two parties have just concluded an agreement to that effect. Specifically, Rothschild & Co is stepping into the capital of the Antwerp-based real estate and insurance specialist via Five Arrows Principal Investments (FAPI). With the investment, FAPI aims to grow further in the European insurance and real estate sector. The management of Hillewaere Group will remain in the hands of CEO and founder Roel Druyts.
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