
Turnhoutsebaan 149 - 151
2970 Schilde

Contact details

+32 (0)3 380 10 90
RLE Turnhout, Turnhout division, 0891.695.561

Opening hours

M08:30 - 13:00 | by appointment
T08:30 - 13:00 | by appointment
W08:30 - 13:00 | by appointment
T08:30 - 13:00 | by appointment
F08:30 - 13:00 | by appointment

About Hillewaere Insurance Schilde

Hillewaere Insurance Schilde, led by Leen Verheyen, has been active in the insurance sector for over 23 years. We are known for our personal service, customisation and discretion, with a strong focus on the premium segment. Our strength lies in specialised insurance solutions for, among other things, exclusive cars, luxury homes, art and jewellery. We tailor our products to the specific needs of our customers, which makes us unique in Belgium. Our passionate team consists of experienced professionals who are ready to advise and support both individuals and companies with all their insurance questions.


Your team in Schilde

1000X1000 Myriam Klug


1000X1000 Pascale Suetens


1000X1000 Shan Lau



An insurer as unique as you

At Hillewaere Insurance Schilde, we believe that you are unique, just like your insurance needs. That is why we offer solutions that are customised down to the smallest detail, of the highest quality and with unparalleled service. Whether you are a business owner or a private individual, we offer unique peace of mind thanks to our insurance solutions that perfectly match your personal situation. You choose security and an insurer that is as unique as you are.

Interesting insights

Visual Hillmag 24 Fall Winter

Hillewaere | Christie's Magazine - Fall/Winter 24/24

Een luxueuze lifestyle editie boordevol interessante interviews, inspirerende artikels over onder meer innovatieve merken, good food en krachtige kunst en een selectie van de meest fabelachtige woningen uit ons vastgoedaanbod. Veel leesplezier.
Roos Jochem 2

EXPERTISE VERZEKERD: Employee Benefits en de 'duty of care' vanuit uw onderneming

Employee benefits, beter gekend als extralegale voordelen kennen een explosieve opmars. Vanuit de ‘duty of care’ die u als werkgever heeft ten opzichte van uw werknemers, is het van belang om hierin mee te groeien. Zo worden op dit moment vaak niet alle voordelen ten volle benut en wordt nog te vaak het aanbod niet volledig afgestemd op de noden. We nemen u in dit dossier dan ook graag mee in de meest voorkomende niet-tastbare extralegale voordelen die bovendien op langere termijn verrassende rendementen kunnen opleveren.

Supervisory authority: FSMA
The register of insurance intermediaries is maintained by the FSMA,
at 1000 Brussels, Congresstraat 12-14 and can be found at

Notification of out-of-court grievance mechanism:
For all your queries and problems, you can contact our office in the first instance.
Complaints can also be submitted to the Insurance Ombudsman's Office at 1000 Brussels,
de Meeûssquare 35, tel. 02/547.58.71 – fax. 02/547.59.75 -

Contact us

Are you looking for a specific insurance solution, do you have a question about your current file or do you want to report damage? Please contact our office in Schilde directly.

Your data will be kept. Check our privacy policy.